Fun Along The Whey

Since 1978 we have been sharing the joy of home cheese making. With over 100 step by step cheese making recipes, helpful guides and easy to use supplies it's fun and easy to make cheese at home.

FunWhere to Buy Water Buffalo Milk in the U.S. - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Where to Buy Water Buffalo Milk in the U.S.

There’s just something so loveable about domesticated water buffalos, including the proper name – Bubalus bubalis. They’re “gentle giants,” weighing in at up to 2650 pounds and living for an avera...

MilkFreezing Milk for Cheese Making - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Freezing Milk for Cheese Making

We don’t hear much about freezing milk these days. Home economists used to recommend it, and a lot of farm women used to do it. But, now, we’re more sophisticated and, in general, we try to serv...

MilkMaking Camel Milk Cheese by Becca Heins - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Making Camel Milk Cheese by Becca Heins

A year ago, we posted an interview with Becca Heins when she earned her prestigious Cheese Professional Certification from the American Cheese Society (click here). She spent 6 months preparing fo...

Cheese Making RecipeHow to Make Condensed Milk - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

How to Make Condensed Milk

Got milk? Here’s another way (besides cheese) to preserve it. Essentially, you simply add sugar and remove 50% of the water in the milk. This gives it the yummy caramel flavor which works so wel...

Fellow Cheese MakersCream of the Crop Farm in Russell, MA - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Cream of the Crop Farm in Russell, MA

Cream of the Crop is just getting started. Less than 6 years ago, the farm consisted of an empty house and store. Now, it’s a dairy farm and a creamery and it’s still growing. In 2012, Jerald ...

MilkRaw Milk Progress in Massachusetts - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Raw Milk Progress in Massachusetts

There are now 16 states (soon to be 17) where licensed raw milk dairies can sell their milk at farmer’s markets and through CSA’s (as well as at their own farms). The Massachusetts senate recentl...

FunCamel's Milk Cheese! - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Camel's Milk Cheese!

Photo from AsiaOne World Camel’s milk is relatively low in fat, so the yield is low as well. But, cheese can be made with it and, where there’s a will, there’s a whey. Due primarily to...

MilkRaw Milk Distribution - Just Another Hearing - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Raw Milk Distribution - Just Another Hearing

Note: This map is 3 years old, but it was the latest I could find. In the past, I have done several posts about raw milk and our support of it. The point of this one is to share my exper...

MilkReal Milk Needs Support - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Real Milk Needs Support

My kefir made with unpasteurized goat’s milk WARNING – This is a political post. I don’t do many of them, but occasionally I like to exercise my right to free speech. (Out of 347 posts, th...

MilkRaw Milk Institute - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Raw Milk Institute

The time has come… Charlotte Smith (Champoeg Creamery), Mark McAfee (founder of RMI) and his wife, Blaine Finally, some hope for raw milk sellers. I was once chatting with a local farme...

EventsPictures From Farm Food Freedom Rally - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Pictures From Farm Food Freedom Rally

They drank raw milk at the FDA headquarters! If you saw our post about this rally (which took place November 1st), you know how important we thought it was. Mothers, dubbed “Freedom Riders” cros...

EventsRaw Milk Freedom Riders Caravan & Rally - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Raw Milk Freedom Riders Caravan & Rally

Photo from Making a Difference Tuesday, November 1st, 2011 We are big supporters of the Farm Food Freedom Coalition (FFFC). We believe in our right to choose what ...

IngredientsQuestions About Milk - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Questions About Milk

You can’t make cheese without milk! We have a HELP section on our website with many questions answered about all phases of cheesemaking. In that section, I used some of the actual questions...

MilkRaw Milk Symposium in Amherst, MA - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Raw Milk Symposium in Amherst, MA

Real Milk vs Processed Milk- A Very Important Issue Do we, as individuals in this country have a constitutional right to eat what we want? Do farmers in this country have the right to sell us wh...

IngredientsAttention Raw Foodies! - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Attention Raw Foodies!

Raw Milk and Vegetable Rennet = Raw Cheese Recently, in one of our small staff meetings, we began discussing the virtues of raw food. For those of us who make cheese, it seemed obvious that mo...

IngredientsUsing Sheep's Milk to Make Cheese - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Using Sheep's Milk to Make Cheese

A few months ago, we received this note from a customer: I was wondering if you might post on your “recipes wanted” section a request for recipes specifically developed or adapted for sheep’s milk...

IngredientsHomogenizing Milk - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Homogenizing Milk

How is Milk Homogenized? There are 2 stages: 1) In most cases, the milk is forced through a narrow opening at very high pressure until the turbulence causes the fat globules to break up into tiny...

IngredientsOrganic Milk Often Comes From "Big Dairy" - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Organic Milk Often Comes From "Big Dairy"

We totally support the concept of organic agriculture. Organic milk, by regulation, is supposed to come from cows that have been fed nothing but organic crops and are free from antibiotics and bov...

All you need is milk

Cheese Making Kits

Discover the joy of cheese making with our all-inclusive kits, perfect
for crafting a variety of cheese. Whether you're a novice or looking to surprise someone special, these kits offer a simple and enjoyable way make cheese at home.

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