Fun Along The Whey

Since 1978 we have been sharing the joy of home cheese making. With over 100 step by step cheese making recipes, helpful guides and easy to use supplies it's fun and easy to make cheese at home.

EventsPictures from the Winter Fancy Food Show, 2023 - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Pictures from the Winter Fancy Food Show, 2023

Colleagues Ritz Guggiana (RG Consultants) and David Viviani ( Ten years ago, I went to the Summer Fancy Foods Show in New York City. It was an incredible experience. I ...

EventsCheesemaking Classes in the U.S. (Current) - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Cheesemaking Classes in the U.S. (Current)

Sarah Carroll at her Cheesemaking 101 workshop at New England Cheesemaking Supply Co. We first made this list in 2011 and updated it in 2016. A lot has changed since then and now, due mainly to ...

EventsUpcoming Cheese Festivals (Current) - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Upcoming Cheese Festivals (Current)

Ricki Carroll (The Cheese Queen) at the Festival of Cheeses in 2015. This used to be the last event at the annual American Cheese Society Conference. This list is brought to you by cheesemaking....

EventsVivian Lucero's Trip to the California Artisan Cheese Festival - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Vivian Lucero's Trip to the California Artisan Cheese Festival

Cheese please! In 2019, we had the pleasure of interviewing Vivian – Vivian Lucero in Otis, Oregon. She is a master cheesemaker, gourmet cook and gardener. Her cheese looks fabulous. Unfortunat...

EventsKate's Mobile Cheesemaking Classes Hit the Road - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Kate's Mobile Cheesemaking Classes Hit the Road

Kate Johnson showing the curd to participants at her on-site Apple Valley Cider workshop. Kate Johnson, founder and owner of The Art of Cheese in Longmont, Colorado is always up to something! We...

EventsVirtual American Cheese Society Conference, July 28-30 - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Virtual American Cheese Society Conference, July 28-30

We have always been enthusiastic supporters of the American Cheese Society (ACS) because of the role it plays in promoting artisan cheese making. In fact, our owner, Ricki Carroll (The Cheese Quee...

EventsKate Johnson's Online Cheese Making Classes - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Kate Johnson's Online Cheese Making Classes

We aren’t sure exactly how she managed to do it, but, when the pandemic hit, Kate Johnson pivoted from her “brick & mortar” school (The Art of Cheese) to a complete online catalog of cheese ma...

EventsTidbits - 050 - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Tidbits - 050

Tooting Our Own Horn: It seems to us that a LOT of you are making cheese during the pandemic and that makes our book the best gift ever for kids! (click here) Professional Cheese Monger: Ever...

EventsExciting New Membership Club for Cheesemakers! - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Exciting New Membership Club for Cheesemakers!

We think this is a real breakthrough for home cheesemakers! Kate Johnson at The Art of Cheese in Longmont, Colorado is offering a membership program with a LOT of great benefits for anyone making...

EventsDale Calder on Campobello Island, New Brunswick, Canada - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Dale Calder on Campobello Island, New Brunswick, Canada

Dale Calder with Angel. Almost everyone who has ever made cheese has heard of Dale Calder. He has 33 cheesemaking videos on his YouTube channel (see the links below). He posted his last one (Ma...

EventsVirtual Certification Program for Cheesemakers - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Virtual Certification Program for Cheesemakers

Kate Johnson at The Art of Cheese in Longmont, Colorado is at it again! She’s always thinking of new ways to make cheesemaking fun for beginners and experts and anyone who loves cheese. This is ...

EventsKate Johnson's 7-Day Cheese Challenge via Zoom - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Kate Johnson's 7-Day Cheese Challenge via Zoom

Virtual, Interactive Cheese Classes We have known Kate Johnson, the owner of The Art of Cheese in Longmont, Colorado for many years. In the last 5 years, she has taught classes at her school, onl...

EventsCheesemaking in Paradise - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Cheesemaking in Paradise

Kate Johnson took this picture of her first class in Hawaii with their certificates of completion. Jamie Ryer, author of this review is fifth from the left. Kate Johnson, founder of The Art of C...

EventsNew Online Course: Environmental Monitoring in the Dairy Industry - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

New Online Course: Environmental Monitoring in the Dairy Industry

A couple of years ago, we posted an article about a new online course, produced by the North Carolina State University FBNS (Food, Bioprocessing & Nutrition Sciences) Department – Free Food Saf...

EventsFollow Up - Fete des Fromages, 2019 - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Follow Up - Fete des Fromages, 2019

Last month our good friend Bob Albers,* who lives in Mandeville, Louisianna told us about the fabulous New Orleans Fete des Fromages and we posted the schedule, etc. for the November event (click ...

EventsFete des Fromages 2019 in New Orleans - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Fete des Fromages 2019 in New Orleans

Our good friend, Bob Albers in Mandeville, Louisiana has contributed many blog articles over the past 3 years (for which we are very grateful).* Recently, he told us he will be volunteering at New...

EventsCheese Festival & Cows' Ball in Slovenia - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Cheese Festival & Cows' Ball in Slovenia

Coming down from the mountain at the Cows’ Ball We love hearing from Mariana Veiga because she has traveled all around the world and she tells us about the fabulous places she has been. Who could...

EventsCheese Making Workshops in Montreal - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Cheese Making Workshops in Montreal

Photo taken at the last boot camp workshop in September Les Ateliers Fromagers It’s been almost 5 years since Sylvain Puccini and Philippe Kotula began offering cheese making workshops in Montre...

EventsCheese Making Retreat in Hawaii / February, 2020 - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Cheese Making Retreat in Hawaii / February, 2020

Cheesemaking in Paradise Retreat! Leave it to our friend Kate Johnson in Colorado* to come up with this fun idea! Kate is a constant source of information and inspiration for cheese makers and no...

EventsNew England Regional Cheese Competition 2019 - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

New England Regional Cheese Competition 2019

Kate Smith, John Greeley and Poul Price, judges In 2007, Elena Hovagimian was working for Donna Woolam, the Director of Agriculture at The Eastern States Exposition (The Big E). They thought it ...

EventsHome Cheese Making Competitions - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Home Cheese Making Competitions

It’s a wonderful idea and, yet, it seems to be the impossible dream. Why is it a great idea? Cheese making is basically a solitary pursuit and local contests are a great way for cheese makers to g...

EventsDeal Alert! 12 Days of Cheese Sale - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Deal Alert! 12 Days of Cheese Sale

In 2016, Whole Foods came out with their list of the 12 Cheeses You Can’t Live Without, chosen by their global cheese buyer, Cathy Strange.* It’s a very impressive list!** That year, Whole Foods ...

EventsMaking Cheese in Nairobi - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Making Cheese in Nairobi

A while back, one of our readers asked us to connect her with Sandra Daniels, a missionary in Kenya (article in 2011). This reader was planning to teach cheese making in the slums of Nairobi to S...

EventsThe Fabulous Cheshire Cheese Fest 2018 - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

The Fabulous Cheshire Cheese Fest 2018

This painting, commemorating the people of Cheshire and their famous cheese was in the history tent with artifacts and information about the town. Ricki (The Cheese Queen) and I had a great time ...

All you need is milk

Cheese Making Kits

Discover the joy of cheese making with our all-inclusive kits, perfect
for crafting a variety of cheese. Whether you're a novice or looking to surprise someone special, these kits offer a simple and enjoyable way make cheese at home.

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