Fun Along The Whey

Since 1978 we have been sharing the joy of home cheese making. With over 100 step by step cheese making recipes, helpful guides and easy to use supplies it's fun and easy to make cheese at home.

Aging CheeseHow to Make Special Containers for Aging Cheese - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

How to Make Special Containers for Aging Cheese

Yoel with his pottery container Creating Small Sub-Environments for Cheese Aging By Yoel Blumberger* 1. Introduction – Aging In the cheese making process, the aging stage is quite calm, compared...

Aging CheeseYoel Blumberger's Humidity Control System - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Yoel Blumberger's Humidity Control System

Yoel Blumberger How to create and maintain the right humidity for your cheese while it’s aging… This is a very important subject for cheesemakers and we have tried to give you as much informatio...

Aging CheesePlaying Music in the Cave?! - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Playing Music in the Cave?!

Beat Wampfler with an Emmental. Photo from his Twitter “Cheese in Surround Sound – a culinary art experiment” March 14th is a big day in Burgdorf, Switzerland. That’s the day when a team of judg...

Aging CheeseWhy Cheese Mites? - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Why Cheese Mites?

Before you get completely grossed out by this post, please bear in mind that mites are everywhere – in the air, the water, on the land. They are in most of the grains and flours we eat. In fact,...

Aging CheeseTatiana's Refrigerator "Cave" - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Tatiana's Refrigerator "Cave"

In 2015, we interviewed Tatiana Thomas who lives in Yekaterinburg, Russia – (click here). Tatiana is now selling her Camembert and she is in the process of organizing a “Mold Cheese Festival” whi...

Aging CheeseHow to Make an Inexpensive Cheese Cave - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

How to Make an Inexpensive Cheese Cave

Bob Albers My Cheese Cave By Bob Albers* Cheese caves are wonderful things. Especially when you consider the wonderful things they contain and the wonderful things we get out of them. If you live...

Aging CheeseUsing a Coolbot in Your Cheese Cave - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Using a Coolbot in Your Cheese Cave

Have you given any thought to making a walk-in cheese cave? It’s easier than you might think … Many home cheese makers use refrigerators and wine coolers to age their cheese. These are great, bu...

Aging CheeseControlling Moisture in the "Cave" - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Controlling Moisture in the "Cave"

Pedro and his Saanen, Rosie The issue is humidity. You can measure it with hygrometers but controlling it is another matter. There are many ways to do it and we have posted several articles abo...

Aging CheeseHow to Add Humidity to Your Room Sized "Cave" - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

How to Add Humidity to Your Room Sized "Cave"

Yes, we do sell hygrometers for measuring humidity, but adding humidity is another story. For years, many of us have been placing wet paper towels in our refrigerators, but maintaining a constant ...

Aging Cheese10 Tips for Aging Your Natural Rind Cheeses - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

10 Tips for Aging Your Natural Rind Cheeses

“Little Darling Tomme” from DiBruno Bros. Or, as the song might go, “We’re just a flippin and a rubbin…” Natural rinds – that sounds so easy – just you and your cheese growing old together with n...

Aging CheeseCan You Age Your Cheese in Clay?! - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Can You Age Your Cheese in Clay?!

OK, you can call me crazy but I’m serious. And I don’t know the answer. I’m just hoping one of you will. (If anyone is doing it successfuly, I will certainly try it.) This all began with a thread...

Aging CheeseFDA vs Artisan Cheese Makers - Wooden Shelves Issue - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

FDA vs Artisan Cheese Makers - Wooden Shelves Issue

As you may have heard, the FDA recently cited cheese makers in New York State for violating their “Good Manufacturing Practices.” because they were aging their cheeses on wooden shelves. They is...

Aging CheeseSusan O'Dwyer in Harrisville, New Hampshire - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Susan O'Dwyer in Harrisville, New Hampshire

Susan is hooking the rug at right, which she designed. Susan O’Dwyer and her husband, Barry have a small farm in southern New Hampshire with a cow, a heifer and 50 chickens. Susan has bee...

Aging CheeseSteve Murtaugh in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Steve Murtaugh in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Steve Murtaugh with his main Maoi – an Eastern Island Tiki Steve Murtaugh is a master home cheese maker. He sells his cheese at Farmer’s Markets in the Pittsburgh area. This coming sum...

Aging CheeseControlling Humidity in Your Cheese "Cave" - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Controlling Humidity in Your Cheese "Cave"

Steve (Bear) Murtaugh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania A couple of months ago, I mentioned in an e-mail to Steve Murtaugh that I think controlling humidity is the biggest challenge for home chees...

Aging CheeseHow to Use Ripening Boxes with Ian Treuer - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

How to Use Ripening Boxes with Ian Treuer

Ian cleaning the rind of an “El Torro” (Chipotle rubbed Montasio) at Smoky Valley Artisan Cheese Ian Treuer from Edmonton, Alberta (Canada) has so many irons in the cheese fire that it’s h...

Aging CheeseHow to Make a Cheese "Cave" - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

How to Make a Cheese "Cave"

Jon with his cat, Koba This takes your dorm sized refrigerator to a whole new level! As you may know, we sell a refrigerator thermostat which enables you to convert your refrigerator or fr...

Aging CheeseUsing Vacuum Sealers to Age Your Cheese? - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Using Vacuum Sealers to Age Your Cheese?

Photo courtesy of Tara Tarbet at Welcome Home Farm It’s all about the taste! If the only reason you aren’t making a waxed cheese is because of the waxing process, go ahead and buy that va...

Aging CheeseMystery Holes in Her Cheese - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Mystery Holes in Her Cheese

It was a year-long quest for answers! Caroline Abbott used to be an accomplished goat’s milk cheesemaker. All that changed this past year when her cheeses began to develop holes. The events that...

Aging CheeseUsing Hygrometers to Measure Humidity - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Using Hygrometers to Measure Humidity

When it comes to aging your cheese, one of the most useful devices to have is a hygrometer (to measure humidity) or a thermo-hygrometer (to measure both humidity and temperature). These devices ar...

All you need is milk

Cheese Making Kits

Discover the joy of cheese making with our all-inclusive kits, perfect
for crafting a variety of cheese. Whether you're a novice or looking to surprise someone special, these kits offer a simple and enjoyable way make cheese at home.

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