Affinage Cheese Course in Vermont
Affinage is the final phase in the life cycle of cheese. This is where the fresh pressed curd undergoes changes in flavor, aroma and texture. This course waled me through the entire process.

The Spanish Cheese Sessions at UVM
Recently I spent a few days at the VIAC program on Spanish cheese. If they had to pick one person who probably knew more about the history, process and current state of Spanish cheese, they could n...

Ever hear of 5th graders making canolies with homemade mascarpone cheese? How about 5th graders stretching mozzarella and stirring ricotta made from scratch for lasagna? These same fifth graders al...

Alpine cheeses were traditionally made in remote regions of the mountains in eastern France, where large collective herds were moved to the alpage (mountain pastures) in May/June and remained throu...

All you need is milk
Cheese Making Kits
Discover the joy of cheese making with our all-inclusive kits, perfect
for crafting a variety of cheese. Whether you're a novice or looking to surprise someone special, these kits offer a simple and enjoyable way make cheese at home.
Cheese Making Supplies