It’s a wonderful idea and, yet, it seems to be the impossible dream.
Why is it a great idea?
- Cheese making is basically a solitary pursuit and local contests are a great way for cheese makers to get to know each other.
- Contests provide a way for cheese makers to get feedback from judges (the kind of feedback they don’t get from family and friends).
- Competition can be motivation for cheese makers to perfect their skills.
- Cheese contests can educate the public about cheese and all it’s nuances.
- Cheese contests are fun!
Why is it the impossible dream?
- By definition, home cheese makers are not working in licensed facilities and dairy products are more regulated than pesticides.
Of course this wasn’t always the case. At the turn of the century, there were all kinds of amateur cheese and butter competitions sponsored by salt companies and dairies.

From The Creamery Journal, 2012
And, all over the world there are countries where the regulations are nowhere near as restrictive as they are here. (Who could forget the article we did about Mongolian cheese makers?!)
The American Dairy Goat Association has an amateur division in their annual competition (see below) and they told us, “The judges never swallow the products and rinse their mouths between each entry. ” They have never had any problem with their contest.
We wonder if, on a federal and state level, there could be exemptions in the codes for competitions? After all, the public isn’t tasting the cheese – it’s only the judges, who, would presumably be signing waivers.
A Partial Guide
Despite the reasons not to have a competition, there are still a few contests open to amateurs in the US and abroad and there are many that have come and gone.
Most of them have certain aspects in common:
- You are not considered an amateur if you have been selling your cheese for over 6 months.
- You can usually only enter one or two cheeses per class.
- You will have labeling and shipping requirements. Sometimes the recipe must be included.
- The deadline for mail-in or hand delivery is usually 3 days before the actual judging unless you are required to bring your cheese on the day of the contest.
We encourage you to enter your fabulous cheese in any of the contests listed below. (Note: We didn’t include competitions for best cheese dip, beer cheese, macaroni & cheese, grilled cheese, etc.)
We know this is a short list and there must be more out there, but they may not have a website. If you know of any, let us know at –
Open to All in United States, Canada & Mexico
The American Dairy Goat Association’s Goat Milk Products Competition at the Annual Convention
Upcoming in October, 2019 at the ADGA Annual Convention in the Riverside Hotel in Boise, Idaho. Entries must be on site by October, 14th at 3pm. Shipments must be timed to arrive on Friday, October 11, 2019 or Saturday, October 12, 2019 so that it will not sit in a warehouse over the weekend and due to Monday, October 14th being Columbus Day. Note: This contest happens every year at the ADGA Annual Convention. In 2020, it will be in Syracuse, New York and in 2021 it will be in Tucson, Arizona.
Open to all cheese makers, commercial and amateur in US, Canada and Mexico, whether you are a member or not.
All products must be made from 100% goat’s milk.
Prices per entry range from $16-$40, depending on whether you are a member of the ADGA and whether you pay ahead of time.
ADGA will award rosettes and $200 & $100 gift certificates to the Best in Show and Reserve Best in Show in both the Commercial and Amateur Divisions. Ribbons will be awarded to 1st – 3rd place winners in each division. Awards of $25, $15 and $10 will be given to 1st – 3rd place winners in each division.
Classes in the amateur division include one for confections, so, if your Sea Salt Caramels are to-die-for, here’s your opportunity!
For information and entry forms –
For questions, contact Karyl at or 507-894-4274.
Open to All in the US
Queso Diego’s Say Cheese Contest at the San Diego County Fair
Every year in late June or July
Open to all but you must bring your cheese to the fair the day of the contest.
No cost. Your admission to the fair is free that day.
There is no registration beforehand, but there is a recipe form required which you fill out before you come. It includes ingredients and method involved – click here
You can register up to 2 cheeses per class and there are 9 classes.
Recipe: Must submit completed recipe form found on the Home & Hobby One-Day Contest page – click here
Recipes must clearly list all ingredients with measurements, preparation instructions, cooking times, and number of servings.
Boulder County Fair Pantry Store Home Cheese-Making Competition in Longmont, Colorado
Upcoming in October, 2019. Open to anyone (not just locals or state residents) but there are no mail-ins. Deliver cheese to the Exhibit Building of the Boulder County Fairgrounds Wednesday, July 31st from 4pm – 7pm (judging is August 1st).
This contest includes a youth division!
a) All entries must have been made by the entrant. The cheese must not have been made by a professional cheese-maker or at any commercial creamery.
b) All entries must be placed in common zip-lock bags. A submission of ½ cubic inch is sufficient for judging.
c) The design of the label is left to the participant. The label will be covered during judging, but uncovered after judging is completed.
d) Only one entry per participant is permitted per category.
e) A recipe must accompany each entry. It should be taped to the back of the ziplock bag.
f) Be certain that your entry is in the proper category. Qualified judges will conduct the judging and any placement in or removal from a category will be at the discretion of the judges.
g) The dairy products used to make the cheese must have been pasteurized. The Boulder County Fair Pantry Store Home Cheese-Making Competition is not associated with any competitive home cheese-making agency.
YOUTH DIVISIONS – (18 years and under as of December 31, 2018) Label rules and
guidelines are the same for Youth as for the Adult Divisions. (See above)
The same day…
Second Annual Amateur Cheesemaking Contest at Art of Cheese in Longmont, Colorado
The same day that deliveries must be made to the contest above (July 31st) you can bring your cheese from 5-8pm to Briar Gate Farm (to be judged that evening).
Open to anyone who brings a cheese to the Boulder County Fair contest.
Up to 10 entries.
Prizes – some cash, some cheesy stuff.
RSVP Kate Johnson –
Kangaroo Valley Agricultural Show IN New South Wales
February. 2020 will be the 4th year for the cheese competition. Exact date not posted yet.
The judging is open to the public (very interesting!).
There are usually 2 days for delivery.
Registration is online or at Kangaroo Hall.
Pasteurized milk only.
Cost – 1st $5, 2nd $3
2 Junior divisions – Up to 12 and 13 – 16
Prizes – $50 and $100
New Zealand
Annual Oxford Farmer’s Market Amateur Cheesemaker’s Competition in Oxford, a small village in the Waimakariri District
October 27, 2019
Open only to amateurs. Bring your entries to the farmer’s Market an hour before judging.
Cheese entries are free, but a gold coin donation is appreciated.
Entries require – name, best contact details including email address, milk type, cheese type/name and age. Register as a taster/judge for $2 per person. This enables you to taste all the entries, and then you will vote on your top 3 picks. Counts will be tallied and winners announced on the day.
Prizes to include $50 cash for the top 3 cheese, $ Farmers Market vouchers for each cheese maker who enters, and a $30 Farmers Market voucher plus sampler pack of Little Farm Goat Dairy Chevre for the Judge/Taster whose name is drawn on the day.
New Zealand Champions of Cheese Awards
The judging in 2020 will be February 22-23 at Ignite Colleges, Manukau, Auckland.
Sponsored by the New Zealand Specialist Cheesemakers Association.
Amateur division with professional judges.