
Gift Ideas for Cheesemakers and Cheese Lovers

Gift Ideas for Cheesemakers and Cheese Lovers - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

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The giving season is coming up! It’s a little early but we think it’s a good idea to plan ahead because it seems like inventory is diminishing everywhere.

We picked out a few interesting gifts, and you can let us know if we missed any in the comments section or by contacting us at

Tools for Cheesemakers

We have an entire online catalog of gift supplies for cheesemakers at Paper catalog is free.

Cherry Curd Cutter, $39.99, The Wood Junkie Studio at Etsy

Hickory Cheese Cutter, $32.55, cheesetools at Etsy

Pot Dripper for Cheesemaking, $18, Willowcroft Cottage at Etsy

Tools for Cheese Lovers

“33 Pieces of Cheese” Tasting Book, $5, Pocket-sized notebook made from recycled paper. Cheese Tasting Journal – 33 Books Co.

Cheese Chart, $26, archiespress at Etsy

Cheese Cutting Wire, $6.99, 12″ wire or 31″ wire is $9.98, Fante’s Store on Amazon

Cheese Slicer with Wire, $20.97, Kenai Kitchen on Amazon

Wood Cheese Board, $8, Poshmark

Cutting Board Oil, $13.99, Coconut derived and vegan. Caron & Doucet Store

Cheese Saver Box, $9.99, Hutzler Store at Amazon

Edibles for Cheese Lovers and Cheesemakers

Goat Cheese Truffles, Boxes from $15 – $54. Surfing Goat Dairy

Cheese Sticks Cookies “Kastengel,” $32, Baked By JP at Etsy

Homemade Turkish Cheese Pie, $32, The South Water at Etsy

Sauces to Pair with Cheese, $37.47, Nina’s Gift Boxes at Etsy

Black Goat Truffle Cheese, $8.99, Won second place in 2010 at the World Cheese Awards. Carr Valley Cheese. And, truffles for the cheesemaker to make their own – Black Truffle Slices, $21.25, TruffleHunter on Amazon

Cheese Lovers Popcorn Gift Pack, $18.95, Wisconsin Made Artisan Collective


Magnet or Sticker for Dishwasher, Options average $25, Anne Drink Store on Etsy

Cheese Curds Lip Balm, $3.89, Blue Poppy Bath at Etsy

Goat Fleece Beanie Hat, $30, Animated Apparels at Etsy

Cheese Doorstop, $10.99, M3is3D at Etsy

Framed Sign, $19.79, Kennebug Gifts at Etsy

Cheese Shaped Soap, $3.50. Lady Eos Products at Etsy

Cheese Shaped Candles, $6, The Wicked Candle Bar at Etsy

Wrapping Your Gifts

Fun Wrap, $3.49, 2Bmcr at Etsy

Vintage Cheese Chart Wrapping Paper, $14.33, Zazzle

The Gift of Giving

You can give a farm animal to a family or a share in a farm animal or you can make a monthly contribution in the name of your gift recipient.

Adopt shares in a goat, sheep, cow, etc. to help families in developing countries. Range of contributions, starting at $10. Heifer International

Reading next

Cheesemaking Classes in the U.S. (Current) - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company
Marybeth Bullington's Orange-Walnut Holiday Cheese - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company


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