They say if you want to get something done, ask a busy person. It’s true. I asked Dennis to answer my questions for this interview and he got right back to me, despite a daunting travel schedule.
I always say that cheesemakers are the most interesting people in the world and I present you with yet another example …
Dennis’s Story
I’m an architect who retired on March 5, 2020, just ten days before Covid-19 shut down normal life and isolated us at home. The virus changed everything and everyone.
In December, I will have been married for 45 years. We have one son, 28, who recently completed his Doctorate in organic chemistry at Northwestern University.
We love the Oregon coast.
During the pandemic, I dabbled with making cheese:
Tomme style
I hope to do more.
I started making cheese as a hobby and found lots of information on the internet. I watched some of Gavin Weber’s videos.
My first attempt was mozzarella which was a hot mess but came out ok. I tried storing it in brine solution that was not quite right and it dissolved. Then, I found the New England Cheesemaking Supply website ( which really showed the “whey.”
As a milk source, I started with the grocery store then found a local family dairy not far from home – Schoch Dairy and Creamery.
I use a small refrigerator as my cave (small refrigerators without freezers don’t have dehumidifiers). I have the temp controls set at 55F and an Ink Bird humidity tracker. I use a bowl of water with paper towels to increase the humidity. I try to keep the humidity around 80% unless a recipe calls for a higher level.
There is not much in the cave currently, just Tomme style, started in January (recipe from NECS) and my first attempt at smoking (store bought) cheese. It came out really good.
I also use the caves for charcuterie, another side hobby. I am looking to replace the glass shelves with wood for cheese. I use a light bulb to raise the temperature and a computer fan (on a timer) for air circulation, when charcuterie is curing.
I hope to finish my Dutch press before the end of the month. I have been running in multiple directions.
Update from 7/20/22 –
7/22 –
My goal is to make a variety of good cheese to share with friends and neighbors.
Other hobbies:
Fly fishing, brewing, pandemic sourdough bread baking, fermenting, charcuterie and traveling.
I had never been ice fishing before a trip to Montana last February.
Bread baking:
In April we finally made it to northern Italy, a trip we had planned for 2020 and then reworked for 2021-2022. Venice, Florence, Bologna (toured Parmesan, Parma ham, oooh the aroma) then Cortona (think “Under the Tuscan Sun”). We had a great time.

I think the vat held 160 gallons to make 2 wheels. They use the prior evening milk and current morning milk each day.