
Holiday Party for Our Team of Veterans-2016

Holiday Party for Our Team of Veterans-2016 - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Ricki with Jim Pruner, Vocational Rehabilitation Specialist

Every year around this time, we have a holiday party for the veterans who work for us through the the Compensated Work Therapy Workshop at the VA Healthcare Center in Leeds, MA. It’s a great program and we are exceedingly grateful for the fine work they do for us. (If you are in our area and have work you might be able to sub out to the veterans, contact Tom Haskell at 413-584-4040 Ext. ask for CWT. If you are in another part of the country, you can locate a workshop near you – click here.)

Usually, at our holiday party, we play bingo but, this year, our staff (particularly April, Kathy, Angie, Jeff and Mary) planned three games for the occasion. Ricki gave a short speech, we ate pizza and then we played games. (Just another tough day at the office!)

Words of Gratitude From The Cheese Queen (Ricki Carroll)

Ricki Carroll (The Cheese Queen)

Sarah Carroll, our CEO

Kathy and Jeri

Angie and Tom Haskell, Vocational Specialist




Let the Games Begin!

Plates on Head

April told us what to draw on our plates while they were on top of our heads. Basically it was a Christmas tree with ornaments. Then, when the drawing was done, we removed the plates and scored our drawings according to criteria like whether or not the ornaments were on the tree. The highest score won, of course.

Kathy helped Wayne score his plate. (Believe it or not, he was having a good time!)

Pass the Gifts

Mary read a story involving LOTS of “to the rights” and “to the lefts” until everyone finally had a gift to open.


Pin the Star on the Tree

Kathy had made a cardboard tree and the goal was to stick a star as close to the top of the tree as possible. Kathy blindfolded everyone and gave them each a spin before they made their way to the tree.

Jim Pruner

Ed O’Brien

Tony Stirlacci

Tony put his star closest to the top, so he won.

Sarah and Mark’s daughter, Jocelyn took a turn.

Kathy made this tree from wrapping paper and packing boxes.

Our Team of Veterans

Ed O’Brien

Tony Stirlacci

Wendell Richardson

Sherwin Hill

Tom Galko

Maggie Haviland

Bob Belson

Bill Hereth

Rich Lamere

Keith Morin

Wayne Amodio

Reading next

Howard's Own "Small Cheese" Recipe - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company
Leftovers-Waste Not/Want Not So Much - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company


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