
Little Tidbits - 014

Little Tidbits - 014


A tidbit is a little piece of something BIG and that something is the big, big world of cheese. We know you’re kinda busy making your own “fabulous fromage,” so, every month (on the 15th), we scour the Web for you, picking out new items of interest and giving you the links. If we missed something, let us know at or in the comments below.

Yes, it is, in fact, a mac & cheese waffle! Being served for one week (ending tomorrow) at Homeroom, a restaurant in Oakland, California to honor National Mac & Cheese Week.

Cheesy Ice Cream: Check out these mouth-watering ice cream cones made out of chevre, mascarpone, camembert and even burratta! – click here


Camembert de’Normandie: Great article about why it’s becoming so hard to find really good Camembert – click here


Stringing Along: Do you know what the difference is between mozzarella cheese and string cheese? Our technical advisor, Jim Wallace explains it in this Huffington Post article – click here


True Grit: Chipotle is testing their new Queso (cheese dip) in NYC (made without any additives or artificial ingredients). The consensus seems to be that it tastes good but the texture is gritty. – click here


How Does it Feel?: Vermont technical College is offering an all-day course in the Sensory Evaluation of Cheese on August 4th and October 14th. You can bring your own cheese(s) with you to be evaluated – click here

If you’re anywhere near Denver on July 29th, be sure to attend the Festival of Cheese where you can sample over 1000 of the entries to the American Cheese Society Competition. For more info and to buy your ticket – click here

See you next month and happy cheese making!

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