Ricki with her new edition
Home Cheese Making, 4th Edition
By Ricki Carroll
Forward by Ari Weintzweig (cofounder of Zingerman’s Community of Businesses and former president of the American Cheese Society)
It seemed like we waited forever for our new edition to finally be available, but it’s here now and we’re over the moon with excitement! Our beloved Cheese Queen, Ricki Carroll worked with Jim Wallace, our technical adviser to rewrite the entire book from cover to cover. It took them a long time and it was a LOT of hard work, but they pressed on and it was well worth the effort.
There are 100 recipes for making cheese (25 of which are completely new), 50 recipes for cooking with cheese and comprehensive directions for every step of the cheese making process. It’s a “must have” for any cheese maker or anyone aspiring to make their own cheese.
Since she founded the company over 40 years ago, Ricki has focused on making the cheese making experience easy and fun. She points out that people were making cheese all over the world for thousands of years without the benefit of the fabulous supplies and books we have now. It’s easier than ever before to make your own cheese.
Cheesy words from Ricki:
If you’re having a Blue day don’t worry, pick up this wonder-filled new book and you will be feeling Gouda again in no time flat. Whatever your taste, whether going for the salty Feta, the stretchy Mozzarella, the traditional American Cup, Brick or Dry Jack, it’s all here in this eye popping, gloriously photographed, aged to perfection (yet still kept relatively easy) book.
What’s in it, you ask? A LOT!
Getting Started …
Recipes For All Types of Cheese …
Fresh Cheeses
Soft and Semi-Soft Ripened Cheeses
Hard and Semi-Hard Cheeses
Blue Cheeses
Goat’s Milk Cheeses
Whey Cheeses
Cultured Dairy Products
For the Love of Cheese …
Building a Beautiful Cheese Plate
Recipes With Cheese
Also …
What Went Wrong? (common problems and solutions)
Metric Conversion Charts
Homemade Cheese Record Form (with link to printable version)
Alphabetical List of Cheeses (by Jim Wallace, available on our website)
As you can see, it’s everything you need to know with beautiful pictures of everything you need to see!
To order: https://cheesemaking.com/collections/books-and-dvds/products/home-cheese-making-book