
Goat Education Day at North Valley Dairy Goat Association

Goat Education Day at North Valley Dairy Goat Association - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

Don’t miss this!

We couldn’t be further from California (we’re in Massachusetts), so we have never been able to attend this annual event. However, if you live anywhere near Red Bluff (north of San Francisco, near Redding), this is a fabulous opportunity. In fact, take some pictures for us to share in the Moosletter! (Send to

Here is the notice we received from the NVDGA (North Valley Dairy Goat Association):

We are so excited to invite you to attend Goat Education Day 2013, Saturday November 2, 2013 at the Tehama District Fairgrounds in Red Bluff, CA.

This year we are offering a great selection of classes and would like to highlight that flying in from Louisiana are speakers, Dr. Frank Pinkerton and Dr. Ken McMillin. Also, we are offering a great 3 hour session on farmstyle hard cheeses for our dairy fans! Rounding out the day will be over 40 other classes on health and husbandry topics to make sure you are ready for anything! Don’t miss the youth classes like “Goat BLING”, metal stamping for great goat tags for collars.

Don’t miss the NCMGA’s Special Reserve pen side sale – a different format than the historical auction style.

We have great vendors coming in, displays and amazing educational opportunities from UC Davis, CSU-Chico, veterinarians and professionals!

Visit us on Facebook at NVDGA Goat Education Day for updates and class information!

Sign ups forms can be found on, Facebook or sign up online at Goat Education Day!

Can’t wait to see you at GED 2013!


Here’s what the registration form looks like on Facebook:

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