Cheese Making Recipe

Making Greek Style Yogurt

Making Greek Style Yogurt

Booklet that comes with our Greek Yogurt Maker

With the right tools, everything is easy!

If you have 1/2 gallon of milk, any one of our three different yogurt cultures, a Yogotherm and a Greek Yogurt Maker, you are all set to create the easiest and least expensive* Greek style yogurt it is possible to make. You use no packaging (bad for the environment) and there are no added ingredients (of dubious benefit to the human body). See if you think the process below could be any simpler:

* Two different strains of our yogurt cultures come 5 to a pack for $5.95. That’s $1.20 each, plus one half gallon milk for around $2.75 – total: $3.95. (If you re-culture the Bulgarian yogurt, your cost will be even lower.) Your yield is one quart of Greek style yogurt, which costs almost twice that much in supermarkets.

Greek Style Yogurt


1/2 gallon milk You can use any milk – goat, sheep, cow, raw or pasteurized, and any
percentage of fat, including fat-free (the final yield will be 1/4 cup less).

1 pack of yogurt culture

I use a local brand of pasteurized milk (rather than raw) because I will essentially be pasteurizing the milk in the process of making the yogurt.

I used our sweet yogurt culture (Y5) – one of 3 kinds we sell


Yogotherm or some other way to keep the yogurt warm while it’s setting
Greek Yogurt Maker or butter muslim for draining curds

My well used Yogotherm

My brand new Greek Yogurt Maker; this is a fairly recent product for us


Heat the milk to 185F.

If you have time, hold it at that temperature for up to 20 minutes (optional for a thicker yogurt).

Cool to 112F.

Pour milk into Yogotherm and sprinkle culture into it. Let the culture hydrate for a few minutes, then stir slowly into the milk.

Close the Yogotherm and let the milk set for 6-12 hours.

Beautiful yogurt!

Pour the yogurt into your Greek Yogurt Maker

Put it in the refrigerator for up to 18 hours.

It’s amazing that all that whey came out! (My garden thrives on whey.)

And there it is – a quart of your own homemade Greek style yogurt. Perfect!

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