A tidbit is a little piece of something BIG and that something is the big, big world of cheese. We know you’re kinda busy making your own “fabulous fromage,” so, every month (on the 15th), we’re going to scour the Web for you, picking out new items of interest and giving you the links. If we missed something, let us know at info@cheesemaking.com or in the comments below.

Goat yoga! There are 1200 people waiting to join this yoga class in Oregon. Why? Because goats are in the class! (click here)
Great Idea: This is too cool!- You can use shot glass molds to “take pretty much all the sophistication out of your wine and cheese tasting.” – click here
Fascinating Blog: “Journeys of a Cheese Girl.” She just finished traveling around the world, studying cheese makers (funded by a Watson Fellowship) and took about a million beautiful pictures – click here
Big Milk Class Action: If you live in one of 16 states, you can easily receive $45-$70 by filling out a very short form. The deadline is January 31st – click here
Sheep’s Milk Cheese: Why isn’t there more of it in the US? This is great summary of the situation from the NY Times – click here
Business: This isn’t late-breaking news, but it’s new to us: In August, 2016, right after McDonald’s began using butter instead of margarine on it’s Egg McMuffin, it put in an order at it’s butter supplier, family owned Grassland Dairy Products in Wisconsin for 2.4 million pounds of butter! Needless to say, the company stepped up production! – click here
See you next month and happy cheese making!