
Little Tidbits - 016

Little Tidbits - 016 - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company


A tidbit is a little piece of something BIG and that something is the big, big world of cheese. We know you’re kinda busy making your own “fabulous fromage,” so, every month (on the 15th), we scour the Web for you, picking out new items of interest and giving you the links. If we missed something, let us know at or in the comments below.

This new video is fascinating! In a little over a minute, it shows how they make milk tofu from cheese curds in Mongolia:

3D Printed Cheese: Apparently they have been making 3D processed cheese for years (who knew?). But, researchers in Ireland have just begun to study the effects of 3D printing on the cheese itself. To see a short video about it- (click here)


Argentine Appetizer: Provoleta (grilled provolone cheese) is simple to make and according to this NY Times article, very easy to eat. It’s traditionally served on bread toasted over embers with a little chimichurri (a version of salsa verde) on top. (click here)


Crackdown: It’s not a good time to be an expat in China! They are scrambling to buy whatever European cheese is on the shelves because the government has banned the import of over 50 soft cheeses. Tons of Camembert, Roguefort, Gorgonzola, Stilton, etc. are being wasted because they cannot clear customs. (click here)


Comfort Food: It’s getting to be the time of year for corn bread and chile. This new recipe for Hatch Green Chile Corn Bread includes sour cream, buttermilk and cheddar cheese. (click here)


Those Pesky Phthalates: We hate to be the bearers of bad news, but if you’ve been serving boxed macaroni & cheese to your kids, you might want to check out this article. (click here)

Did you know that the world’s most expensive sandwich is a grilled cheese made at Serendipity 3 in New York City for $214? Here’s how they make it-

See you next month and happy cheese making!

Reading next

Chalk and Cheese - Part 1 - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company
Modifying Our "Off the Wall" Press Plans - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company


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