Amberlin Biegel of Alberta, Canada sent us this delightful video she made of her family milking their goats and making cheese. The family has around 70 goats (over 20 of which they milk) and one milk cow. They do all their milking by hand!
Amberlin is only 19, but, before she made this one, she had already made several videos of her family singing and performing plays.
The Biegel Family consists of Bob, Linette and 11 children – 9 living at home, ranging in age from 25 to 7.
They graciously shared their story with us:
In October 1989, Bob Biegel became Born Again and was miraculously saved through the power of Jesus Christ, Yahshuah the Messiah. Because of this Bob and Linette have instilled in each one of their children a love for Truth and the Holy Scriptures. Having a strong “culture” is important in many areas! Together the family has learned that it is important to know what they believe and why they believe it. Farm life, nature and outdoor adventures, music, theatre and drama are also very important elements of their home schooled family lifestyle.
The family has studied piano, violin, voice, guitar, flute, harp and theatre. The older children now have their own private music studios and are teaching their younger siblings as well as other families who want to learn the gift of music and creative arts.
The family began to take their music to senior’s homes where family members were residents. Today, they ensemble with their voices and instruments, traveling throughout Alberta and into the Okanagan valley of British Columbia performing family concerts in venues ranging from senior homes, churches, museums, banquets and weddings.
The Biegel family plans to offer classes on cheese, kombucha, kefir, salve and soap making, as well as fibre arts and crafts.
Scenes From the Video
In the video, Brooklyn/Brook (25), Charles (12) and Sarah (9) do the milking, and Linnae (17, now 18, in the pink shirt) and Breanne/Bree (25, twins with Brook) strain the milk and make the cheese. Julia (14) is in charge of the ducks and her twin Jenessa holds the chicken. Simon, (7) is briefly seen in the cheese kitchen, and at the dinner table holding their father’s hand. Amberlin, and Brook are seen at the end of the video stealing cheese.
The Cheese Thieves
At the end of the video, there’s a very cute short clip of Amber and Brook sneaking cheese at 12:30am …