
Farm Dayz 2015 in Dimondale, Michigan

Farm Dayz 2015 in Dimondale, Michigan - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

In October, 2012, we did an interview with Tiffany Rich of Woodspryte Farm in Dimondale, Michigan (click here). At that time, she had just completed her second yearly farm “open house” called Woodspryte Farms’s Family Farm Dayz. By the next year, 2013, the event had grown so popular that she had set up a committee to help her run it and she had moved it to a local park. Now, only 4 years after Tiffany had her idea, the event is a huge festival (Farm Dayz) with live music, booths, contests, classes, raffles, etc. And, it’s all free! (The classes alone make it one of the best opportunities around to learn basic farm skills.)


Sel de Terre, a French Cajun band

Bring the whole family, but no pets please!
The livestock thanks you!

35 vendors and demonstrators on hand. Bring a cooler or an insulated bag to carry all your beautiful fresh goodies home. Make local connections to small farms and local businesses that grow healthy food and know what quality is and stand behind their product 100%.
There will be a raffle at 3 pm with items from each vendor plus a few surprises.
Event will take place Rain or shine. Pavilion, and Clean restrooms available on site. Parking is just down the road, so catch a ride on the covered horse drawn wagon to the park. An experience the children will talk about for weeks to come and adults will take home a wealth of information.

Pictures from last year:





For more info:

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The Sustainability of Love and Laughter - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company
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