Martha Harrington of Conway, Massachusetts owned and operated a bed & breakfast (The Nestle Inn) for 10 years where she dazzled her guests with fabulous meals. Needless to say, they came from all over the country and they returned year after year. Many of them were taking Ricki’s cheese making workshops in nearby Ashfield. So, Martha made special meals with artisan cheese for them.
Now, Martha is teaching teachers at the Collaborative for Educational Services in Northampton, MA. She’s a mother and a devoted grandmother and her main hobby is still cooking.
Recently, when we were hiking up a mountain, we chatted about how good things like olives are when they are roasted. Martha told me about a breakfast she used to make for her b&b guests with roasted grapes and I asked her to share it with us. We made it together and I can testify that it was outrageously delicious. She usually served it with Canadian bacon and scones.

Martha Harrington
Martha’s Puffy Omelette with Roasted Grapes
2 eggs
Any cheese, grated or crumbled (the quantity depends on the strength of the flavor, so, if it’s a pungent blue, for example, go easy)
Grapes, red or green but red is better (one cup or you can make more and reheat it later)
1 or 2 tsp sugar
2 tsp flour
1 tsp butter
1 tsp vegetable oil
Pinch of cream of tartar (you can use salt if you don’t have it)
Salt & pepper to taste
2 cake pans
electric beater
2 small bowls
Preheat the oven to 400F.

We used a raw sheep milk Roguefort, simply because it was on sale at our local food co-op. The flavor was very strong, so, next time, I would use a milder cheese. Red grapes weren’t available, so we used green and they were excellent.
Oil cake pan.
Add 1 teaspoon butter and 2 teaspoons oil.
Throw in a handful of grapes and shake them up with the oil and butter.
Sprinkle sugar on top and set aside.
Separate the eggs into 2 bowls.
Add flour, salt & pepper to the eggs.
Whisk until thick and set aside.
Put the grapes in the oven and set the timer for 10 minutes. After 5 minutes, shake them up. (It’s good if they break open.)
Grease your second cake pan.
Beat the egg whites with cream of tartar or salt until stiff.
Fold the whites into the yolks.
Pour into the greased cake pan.
Put in the oven for 5 minutes. It will still be jiggly.
Add cheese and bake for 2 more minutes.
Fold it over and lay it on the plate (or serve flat).
Pour some grapes over it.
Recipe for printing:
Martha’s Puffy Omelette with Roasted Grapes
2 eggs
Any cheese, grated or crumbled (the quantity depends on the strength of the flavor, so, if it’s a pungent blue, for example, go easy)
Grapes, red or green but red is better (one cup or you can make more and reheat it later)
1 or 2 tsp sugar
2 tsp flour
1 tsp butter
1 tsp vegetable oil
Pinch of cream of tartar (you can use salt if you don’t have it)
Salt & pepper to taste
2 cake pans
electric beater
2 small bowls
Preheat the oven to 400F.
Oil cake pan.
Add 1 teaspoon butter and 2 teaspoons oil.
Throw in a handful of grapes and shake them up with the oil and butter.
Sprinkle sugar on top and set aside.
Separate the eggs into 2 bowls.
Add flour, salt & pepper to the eggs.
Whisk until thick and set aside.
Put the grapes in the oven and set the timer for 10 minutes. After 5 minutes, shake them up. (It’s good if they break open.)
Grease your second cake pan.
Beat the egg whites with cream of tartar or salt until stiff.
Fold the whites into the yolks.
Pour into the greased cake pan.
Put in the oven for 5 minutes. It will still be jiggly.
Add cheese and bake for 2 more minutes.
Fold it over and lay it on the plate (or serve flat).
Pour some grapes over it.