
72 Cheeses You Can Make Now for the Holidays!

Pot of cheese with liquid

You Can Do It!

There is no finer way to express your love for family and friends than with the gift of homemade cheese. Everybody loves it (even vegetarians) and when you serve it to guests, they swoon.

The question is – what can you make between now and the holidays if you factor in the aging time? Answer – A LOT!

Cheese generally ages in less time than you might think. Farmhouse cheddar, for example, only needs 4 weeks.

I was curious to see how many cheeses could actually be made between now and the holidays, so I went through our extensive list of recipes by Jim Wallace – click here. I was amazed at how many of these cheeses there are! The list below includes Jim’s recipes and a few from this blog.

Note 1: The times given here are rough estimates. Ripening times vary according to a variety of factors.

Note 2: Don’t worry if you have to order supplies – we generally ship within a day from the time you order. (

By Thanksgiving (Nov. 22)

There are now 17 days until Thanksgiving. Most of the cheeses listed below can be made in one or two days, depending on how long you drain them.

30 Minute Mozzarella
Cheddar Curds
Chevre (goat)
Chocolate Neufchatel
Clotted Cream
Coffee Cheese
Cottage Cheese
Cottage Cheese (Dry Curd for the Lactose Intolerant)
Cream Cheese
Creme Fraiche
Creole Cream Cheese
Fromage Blanc
Lactic Cheese with Truffle Oil
Lapte Acru
Mexican Crema
Mozzarella (Cultured)
Queso Blanco
Queso Fresco
Queso Oaxaca
Sour Cream
Vegan Cheese

By Hanukkha (Dec. 2-10)

There are 27 days until Hanukkha starts, plenty of time to make any of the cheeses listed above, plus the following:

Caciotta – 14 – 60 days (sheep, goat, cow or mix)
Feta – up to 30 days
Florentine – 24 days or more
Lactic Cheese – 2-30 days (goat, sheep, cow)
Ripened Goat Cheese – up to 28 days (goat)
Triple Creme – 14 – 21 days
Vacherin d’Abondance – up to 30 days

By Christmas (Dec. 25)

In the next 50 days, you can also make these cheeses:

Asiago – 30-40 days
Butterkase – 28 – 42 days
Cabra al Vino – 28 – 42 days (goat)
Cardoona – 35-42 days or more
Chauorce – 14 – 60 days
Colby – 28 – 42 days
Beer Infused Cheese – 28 – 42 days
Belper Knolle – 28 – 42 days
Brie – 28 – 42 days
Camembert – 21 – 28 days
Crottin de Chavignol – 21 – 42 days (goat)
Esrom – 28 – 42 days
Farmstead Cheese – 28 – 42 years
Fourme d’Ambert – 28 – 42 years
Goat Cheese with Ash – 28-42 days (goat)
Ibores – 28 – 42 days (goat)
Mont d’Or – 28 – 42 days
Munster – approximately 42 days
Port Salut – 28 – 42 days
Pouligny St. Pierre21 – 28 days (goat)
Robiola – 28 – 42 days
Saint Marcellin – 28 – 42 days
Saint Maure de Touraine – up to 30 days (goat)
Saint Nectaire – 30 -60 days
Taleggio – 28 – 42 days
Tete de Moine – 35 – 60 days
Tetilla – 28 – 42 days
Tomme Style – 42 – 56 days
Washed Rind Monks Cheese – 28 – 42 days

Reading next

Husband and wife at a cheese convention
Mixing milk with a whisk in a metal pot


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